Sunday, July 19, 2009

Remembering Thomas Chao

RU Clan and the world lost a great young man. The void of your life will be replaced with great memories. We couldn’t forget you even if we tried. You will be missed brother. – R.I.P. Thomas Chao aka Eggroll0

“I’m sad today to inform you all that one of our most beloved comrades has fallen. I knew Thomas Chao for three years, he was an elloquent, funny, intellegent and charming young man with a bright future and trememdous potential. He not only had a great personality but also a fantastic sense of humor. I cannot begin to describe how sad i feel for his family and his friends. I never met Thomas face to face but i can tell you that he was an amazing young kid who left us way too soon! I can’t speak for the rest of the clan but i know i will miss him tremendously, god speed and you will remain in our minds and in our souls for as long as we live. I love you Thom and rest in peace. Audentes Fortuna CRU Eggroll 4 ever!”

“I too have heard the news about Eggroll, we had some good times together, it really does feel like I’ve lost a brother. He will be missed, even though I haven’t been around you guys for a while, you’re my extended family and I care for all you guys that way. His jokes may have been weak sometimes, but he never failed to put a smile on my face. I’m upset that I’ve never got to say goodbye before I disappeared. R.I.P. Thomas, you will be missed. KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT. If you guys need to contact me (via) email, its linked to my phone, I’ll always reply. I’ve been through a lot myself, if anyone wants to talk feel free to call me. Hope to hear from some of you. “

“I’ve been thinking about what I could possibly say but sometimes words just aren’t enough but here it is……
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” – Albert Pike
You have done much for us all… You have touched so many people. I know you’re in heaven saying you’ve touched yourself more. LMAO. I will remember you as the fun loving person you are. All the nasty jokes you told me that were so disgusting I couldn’t help but laugh. All the times we talked about how much our classes sucked. All the hours the CRU spent raping Xbox whores. All the serious conversations that made me wonder if you were the same Thomas I joked with. Time nor blood could have made you more of a brother to me. I will keep the family in my prayers and your memory in my heart. I will miss you dearly bro but I won’t ever forget you.
Audentes Fortuna CRU!!!”

I heard about eggroll0 tonight and even tho i didnt really know him that well i felt like i should say something. all i can really say is that i used to play with him on xbox a lot during the day and he always made me LMAO and i will miss that.

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